
Making the Most of Your Families Summer Holidays with Limited Annual Leave

As a parent, the idea of wondering how you can possibly fill up 8 weeks of summer with young children with a limited amount of annual leave can be quite daunting. This year, I have vowed to be more prepared and better organised rather than the stress of “winging it” like I did last year.

Here are some tips to help you make the most of the time you have over the summer months.

1) Maximise your Annual Leave

Plan to take a block of time off around the August Bank Holiday. Taking a week off from work from Monday 5th August gives a block of 9 days off while only using 4 days annual leave. The perfect time to organise a family break away or just spend some quality with family at home.

2) Book your summer camps early

There are so many summer camps on all around the country for children with so many different interests, however they do fill up very fast so start looking now! One camp per month is great for breaking up stretches of time. From sports camps to Young Einstein and Lego camps, you are sure to find one that your kid will love. From a socialising perspective and building confidence and resilience, these camps are a great addition for fun for your kids. Here are some links to get you started.





3) Get resourceful!

Chat to the parents at the school and see if a few of you can team up and split childcare days over summer. I have blocked off 4 Fridays over the summer period where some of the parents will drop my son’s classmates to our house for the day. If 3 or 4 of you did the same thing, that’s 12-16 days taken care of over the summer period.

4) Split your days!

If you are lucky enough to work from home, this one can work really well. During the summer months, my kid tends to go to bed later but also wants to stay in bed later. I find starting my day early in the morning and taking those half days off, gives you the whole afternoon off to spend with your child. They usually enjoy some free time to chill in the morning, however by the time the afternoon comes around they are bored and want to get out of the house.

Maximising your annual leave days over the summer months requires careful planning and strategic thinking and a certain amount of creativity when young children are to be considered. By being proactive about booking your time off, taking advantage of weekends and public holidays, considering remote work options, and making the most of every resource to hand, you can create an unforgettable summer filled with relaxation, adventure, and fun. So, start planning now and make the most of your time off this summer!

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